Academic Articles
- Chan, S. M., Au-Yeung, T. C., Wong, H., Chung, R. Y., & Chung, G. K. (2021). Long Working Hours, Precarious Employment and Anxiety Symptoms Among Working Chinese Population in Hong Kong. The Psychiatric quarterly, 92(4), 1745–1757.
- Chan, S. M., Chung, G. K., Chan, Y. H., Chung, R. Y., Wong, H., Yeoh, E. K., & Woo, J. (2022). Resilience and coping strategies of older adults in Hong Kong during COVID-19 pandemic: a mixed methods study. BMC geriatrics, 22(1), 299.
- Chan, S. M., Chung, G. K. K., Chan, Y. H., Lee, T. S. K., Chen, J. K., Wong, H., Chung, R. Y. N., Chen, Y., & Ho, E. S. C. (2024). Online learning problems, academic worries, social interaction, and psychological well-being among secondary school students in Hong Kong during the COVID-19 pandemic: the socioeconomic and gender differences. European Journal of Psychology of Education.
- Chan, S. M., Chung, G. K., Chan, Y. H., Woo, J., Yeoh, E. K., Chung, R. Y., Wong, S. Y., Marmot, M., Lee, R. W., & Wong, H. (2021). The mediating role of individual-level social capital among worries, mental health and subjective well-being among adults in Hong Kong during the COVID-19 pandemic. Current psychology (New Brunswick, N.J.), 42(12), 10260–10270.
- Chan, S. M., Chung, G. K., Kwan, M. H., & Woo, J. (2022). Mitigating inequalities in community care needs of older adults with dementia: a qualitative case study of an integrated model of community care operated under the proportionate universalism principle. BMC primary care, 23(1), 244.
- Chan, S. M., Lam, L. C. W., Law. W. Y., Hung, S. F., Chan, W. C., Chen, E. Y. H., Chung, G. K. K., Chan, Y. H., Chung, R. Y. N., Wong, H., Yeoh, E. K., Woo, J.(2022). Inequalities in Psychiatric Morbidity in Hong Kong and Strategies for Mitigation. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(12), 7095.
- Chau, A. K. C., So, S. H., & Barkus, E. (2023). The role of loneliness and negative schemas in the moment-to-moment dynamics between social anxiety and paranoia. Scientific reports, 13(1), 20775.
- Chen, S., Wang, J., Zhu, J., Chung, R. Y., & Dong, D. (2021). Quality of life and its contributors among adults with late-onset Pompe disease in China. Orphanet journal of rare diseases, 16(1), 199.
- Chen, X., Woo, J., Yu, R., Chung, G. K., Yao, W., & Yeoh, E. K. (2022). Subjective Social Status, Area Deprivation, and Gender Differences in Health among Chinese Older People. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(16), 9857.
- Cheung, K., Chau, A. K. C., Woo, J., & Lai, E. T. (2023). The age-based digital divide in an increasingly digital world: A focus group investigation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Archives of gerontology and geriatrics, 115, 105225. Advance online publication.
- Chung, G., Chan, S. M., Chan, Y. H., Woo, J., Wong, H., Wong, S. Y., Yeoh, E. K., Marmot, M., & Chung, R. Y. (2021). Socioeconomic Patterns of COVID-19 Clusters in Low-Incidence City, Hong Kong. Emerging infectious disease, 27(11), 2874–2877.
- Chung, G., Strong, C., Chan, Y., Chung, R., Chen, J., Lin, Y., Huang, R., Lin, C., Ko, N. (2022). Psychological Distress and Protective Behaviors During the COVID-19 Pandemic Among Different Populations: Hong Kong General Population, Taiwan Healthcare Workers, and Taiwan Outpatients. Frontiers in Medicine. 9. 800962.
- Chung, G. K., Chan, S. M., Chan, Y. H., Yip, T. C., Ma, H. M., Wong, G. L., Chung, R. Y., Wong, H., Wong, S. Y., Yeoh, E. K., Marmot, M., & Woo, J. (2021). Differential Impacts of Multimorbidity on COVID-19 Severity across the Socioeconomic Ladder in Hong Kong: A Syndemic Perspective. International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(15), 8168.
- Chung, G. K., Chan, Y. H., Chan, S. M., Chen, J. S., Wong, H., Chung, R. Y. (2022). The impact of trust in government on pandemic management on the compliance with voluntary COVID-19 vaccination policy among adolescents after social unrest in Hong Kong. Frontiers in public health, 10, 992895.https://doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.992895
- Chung, G. K., Lai, F. T., Hung, H., Yeoh, E. K., & Chung, R. Y. (2021). Differential educational patterning of cardiometabolic risks between women and men among community-dwelling Chinese adults in Hong Kong: the mediating role of obesity. Public health nutrition, 24(13), 4245–4256.
- Chung, G. K., Lai, F., Yeoh, E. K., & Chung, R. Y. (2021). Gender-specific trends of educational inequality in diagnosed diabetes from 1999 to 2014 in Hong Kong: a serial cross-sectional study of 97,481 community-dwelling Chinese adults. Population health metrics, 19(1), 37.
- Chung, G. K., Liu, X., Massar, K., Schelleman-Offermans, K., Bosma, H., Chan, Y. H., Chan, S. M., Chen, J. K., Wong, H., & Chung, R. Y. (2024). Socioeconomic inequalities in psychosocial well-being among adolescents under the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-regional comparative analysis in Hong Kong, mainland China, and the Netherlands. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, 10.1007/s00127-024-02649-7. Advance online publication.
- Chung, G. K., Marmot, M., Ho, I. Y., Chan, S. M., Lai, E. T., Wong, S. Y., Yeoh, E. K., Woo, J., & Chung, R. Y. (2023). Secular trends of life expectancy and disability-free life expectancy at age 65 and associated gender and area-level socioeconomic inequalities in Hong Kong: a serial cross-sectional study between 2007 and 2020. The Lancet regional health. Western Pacific, 41, 100909.
- Chung, G. K., Robinson, M., Marmot, M., Woo, J. (2022). Monitoring socioeconomic inequalities in health in Hong Kong: Insights and lessons from the UK and Australia. The Lancet Regional Health – Western Pacifi.
- Chung, R. Y., Chung, G. K., Chan, S. M., Chan, Y. H., Wong, H., Yeoh, E. K., Allen, J., Woo, J. & Marmot, M. (2021). Socioeconomic inequality in mental well-being associated with COVID-19 containment measures in a low-incidence Asian globalized city. Scientific Reports,11, 23161.
- Chung, R. Y., Chung, G. K., Marmot, M., Allen, J., Chan, D., Goldblatt, P., Wong, H., Lai, E., Woo, J., Yeoh, E. K., & Wong, S. (2021). COVID-19 related health inequality exists even in a city where disease incidence is relatively low: a telephone survey in Hong Kong. Journal of epidemiology and community health, jech-2020-215392. Advance online publication.
- Chung, R. Y., Erler, A., Li, H. L., & Au, D. (2020). Using a Public Health Ethics Framework to Unpick Discrimination in COVID-19 Responses. The American journal of bioethics : AJOB, 20(7), 114–116.
- Chung, R. Y., Lee, T. T., Chan, S. M., Chung, G. K., Chan, Y. H., Wong, S. Y., Lai, E., Wong, H., Yeoh, E. K., Marmot, M., & Woo, J. (2023). Experience of South and Southeast Asian minority women in Hong Kong during COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study. International journal for equity in health, 22(1), 110.
- Chung, R. Y., & Li, M. M. (2020). Anti-Chinese sentiment during the 2019-nCoV outbreak. Lancet (London, England), 395(10225), 686–687.
- Chung, R. Y., & Marmot, S. M. (2020). People in Hong Kong Have the Longest Life Expectancy in the World: Some Possible Explanations. NAM perspectives, 2020, 10.31478/202001d.
- Chung, R. Y., Marmot, M., Mak, J. K., Gordon, D., Chan, D., Chung, G. K., Wong, H., & Wong, S. (2020). Deprivation is associated with anxiety and stress. A population-based longitudinal household survey among Chinese adults in Hong Kong. Journal of epidemiology and community health, jech-2020-214728. Advance online publication.
- Creese, H., Lai, E., Mason, K., Schlüter, D. K., Saglani, S., Taylor-Robinson, D., & Saxena, S. (2022). Disadvantage in early-life and persistent asthma in adolescents: a UK cohort study. Thorax, 77(9), 854–864.
- Fung, E., Chiu, S. W., Lam, H. M., Chung, R. Y., Wong, S., Chan, S. M., Dong, D., & Wong, H. (2021). The Impact of Bedbug (Cimex spp.) Bites on Self-Rated Health and Average Hours of Sleep per Day: A Cross-Sectional Study among Hong Kong Bedbug Victims. Insects, 12(11), 1027.
- Fung, E. H. C., Wong, H., Chiu, S. W., Hui, J. H. L., Lam, H. M., Chung, R. Y., Wong, S. Y., & Chan, S. M. (2021). Risk factors associated with bedbug (Cimex spp.) infestations among Hong Kong households: a cross-sectional study. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment.
- Fung, H. W., Lam, S. K. K., Chien, W. T., Ling, H. W., Wu, Z. Y., Ross, C. A., & Chau, A. K. C. (2024). Reliability and Mental Health Correlates of a Single-Item Measure of Self-Rated Mental Health (SRMH) in the Chinese Context. Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland), 12(1), 122.
- Fung, H. W., Tse, H. W., Chau, A. K. C., & Lam, S. K. K. (2024). Psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the Post-traumatic Maladaptive Beliefs Scale: A brief report. Asian journal of psychiatry, 93, 103912. Advance online publication.
- Han, Y., & Chung, R. Y. (2021). Are both individual-level and county-level social capital associated with individual health? A serial cross-sectional analysis in China, 2010-2015. BMJ open, 11(8), e044616.
- Ho, J. Y., Lai, E. T., Chau, P. H., Chong, K. C., & Woo, J. (2023). The role of older adult-focused social vulnerability on the relationship between temperature and emergency department attendance in a subtropical Asian city. Archives of gerontology and geriatrics, 117, 105195. Advance online publication.
- Huang, Z. T., Lai, E. T. C., Luo, Y., & Woo, J. (2024). Social determinants of intrinsic capacity: A systematic review of observational studies. Ageing research reviews, 95, 102239. Advance online publication.
- Hung, H., Chan, E., Chow, E., Chung, G., Lai, F., & Yeoh, E. K. (2021). Non-skilled occupation as a risk factor of diabetes among working population: A population-based study of community-dwelling adults in Hong Kong. Health & social care in the community, 30(1), e86–e94.
- Lai, E. T., Chau, A. K. C., Ho, I. Y., Hashimoto, H., Kim, C. Y., Chiang, T. L., Chen, Y. M., Marmot, M., & Woo, J. (2024). The impact of social isolation on functional disability in older people: A multi-cohort study. Archives of gerontology and geriatrics, 125, 105502. Advance online publication.
- Lai, E. T. C., Chau, P. H., Cheung, K., Kwan, M., Lau, K. & Woo, J. (2023). Perception of extreme hot weather and the corresponding adaptations among older adults and service providers–A qualitative study in Hong Kong. Frontiers in public health, 11, 1056800.
- Lai, E. T. C., Chiang, T. L., Kim, C. Y., Hashimoto, H., Marmot, M., & Woo, J. (2023). The determinants of longevity: The perspectives from East Asian economies. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 10.1111/jgs.18418. Advance online publication.
- Lai, E., Ho, H. C., Ho, S. C., & Woo, J. (2021). Socioeconomic Status, Physical Functioning and Mortality: Results From a Cohort Study of Older Adults in Hong Kong. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 23(5), 858–864.e5.
- Lai, E. T., Ho, I. Y., Ho, H. C., Chau, P. H., Yip, T. C., Wong, G. L., & Woo, J. (2025). Extreme hot weather events and risk of hospitalisation for cardiovascular and respiratory diseases in older people in Hong Kong in 2012 to 2018.. The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences, glaf002. Advance online publication.
- Lai, E. T. C., Ho, S. C., & Woo, J. (2023). Social isolation, socioeconomic status, and development of functional impairments in Chinese older adults aged 70 years and over: a cohort study. Aging clinical and experimental research, 35(1), 155–165.
- Lai, E., Yu, R., & Woo, J. (2021). Social gradient of self-rated health in older people-the moderating/mediating role of sense of community. Age and ageing, 50(4), 1283–1289.
- So, S. H., Chau, A. K. C., Gaudiano, B. A., Ellett, L., Lincoln, T. M., Morris, E. M., & Kingston, J. L. (2024). The relationship between risk perception, anxiety and paranoia–A predictive model in a community sample. Journal of Mood & Anxiety Disorders, 100052.
- Wang, K., Law, C. K., Zhao, J., Hui, A. Y., Yip, B. H., Yeoh, E. K., & Chung, R. Y. (2021). Measuring health-related social deprivation in small areas: development of an index and examination of its association with cancer mortality. International journal for equity in health, 20(1), 216.
- Woo J. (2023). Policy Implications of Population Ageing in Hong Kong in the UN Decade of Healthy Aging. American Journal of Medicine and Public Health, 4(5): 1056.
- Woo J. (2023). Social Determinants of Maintaining Nutrition in Older Adults with Advanced Dementia. The journal of nutrition, health & aging, 27(6), 430–431.
- Wu, Y., Yan, X., Dong, D., Chung, R. Y., & Yeoh, E. K. (2020). Equitable exit strategy is required: lessons learnt from Hong Kong’s current resurgence of local outbreaks among individuals from highly deprived neighbourhoods. Journal of epidemiology and community health, 74(12), 1080.
- Wu, Y., Yan, X., Zhao, S., Wang, J., Ran, J., Dong, D., Wang, M., Fung, H., Yeoh, E. K., & Chung, R. Y. (2020). Association of time to diagnosis with socioeconomic position and geographical accessibility to healthcare among symptomatic COVID-19 patients: A retrospective study in Hong Kong. Health & place, 66, 102465.
- Yu, J., Sumerlin, T. S., Goggins, W. B., Dong, D., Chung, R. Y., & Kim, J. H. (2021). First- and second-hand alcohol-related harms among urban Chinese: A population-based study from Hong Kong. Drug and alcohol review, 41(1), 208–220.
- Yu, R., Lai, E. T. C., Leung, G., Ho, S. C., & Woo, J. (2022). Intrinsic capacity and 10-year mortality: Findings from a cohort of older people. Experimental gerontology, 167, 111926.